
Events and Meetings with Offshore Managers

Offshore Investments

04 June 2024

Last week, João Felipe Bandeira de Mello, CFA, Portfolio Manager at Turim, was in New York attending some important events and meetings with offshore managers in which we invest. An essential part of Turim’s investment philosophy is maintaining close relationships with invested funds and always seeking valuable perspectives and new opportunities.

One of the highlights was the Goldman Sachs Yankees Hedge Fund, an iconic event held at Yankee Stadium that annually brings together allocators and managers from around the world to present investment opportunities and discuss strategies.

João also attended the Alphadyne Asset Management Investor Meeting and participated in meetings and conversations with renowned managers, such as D1, Coatue, Sachem Head Capital Management LP, Soroban Capital Partners LP, SRS Investment Management, LLC, Voloridge Investment Management, LLC, Hudson Bay Capital Management LP, Janchor Industrialist Investing, Holocene Advisors, LP, Apollo Global Management, Inc., Skye, and Atreides Management, LP.

There was a consensus among equity, credit, and macroeconomic managers that the American economy remains strong and, even with some moderation, is still compatible with a “soft landing” scenario. The American elections were also discussed, and although it is still early for definitive predictions, many managers are already evaluating the possible consequences for the market.

The most prominent theme in all the conversations was, without a doubt, artificial intelligence, highlighting its disruptive potential and its growing acceptance, even among the most skeptical. Major tech companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon are significantly increasing their investments in AI, predicting a 45% increase in investments compared to last year.

These insights reinforce our commitment to maintaining a global and adaptable strategic vision, always seeking new opportunities for our clients.
